
Volunteer For Us!

Do you have a passion for volunteering? Are you interested in being a part of the good work that we do? Say no more! Sign up below and we will contact you if a need arises.

Testimonies From Previous Volunteers


Candace pERERA

“Volunteering for ADRA was one of the best things that happened. It opened my mind in so many ways and helped me learn so many new things. ADRA also showed me how much of a difference it makes when you bring God into professional and business life. I’ll always be grateful for the time I spent volunteering at ADRA.”



” It was a blessing and an eye opener. A completely different culture to any I’ve experienced and yet the needs and work that needed to be done were the same. Our church family is the same. Despite speaking different languages we serve the same Lord.”


Stephen pererA

“Since joining ADRA, I had the luxury of gaining exposure to various activities such as training programs, documenting, and strategic planning. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the ADRA team and I wish them all the best.”



“Not worked for any faith-based organization, volunteering for ADRA as the Interim Country Director was a task I did with enthusiasm knowing the foundations on which ADRA stood. My time at ADRA has been a learning and a blessing!”